Arrays and Strings
Arrays come in many varieties. But for the purposes of this section, we’re talking about any ordered collection of elements whose elements can be accessed by index. Strings fit this definition. The techniques here are different methods for iterating over the elements efficiently to solve problems.
Two Pointers
Problem: Three Sum
The two pointers technique uses two pointers that either start at different places or move in different directions or at different speeds in order to find a solution. (A pointer is a reference to an element in an array.)
function myFunction(): number {
return 0;
Sliding Window
Problem: Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
function myFunction(): number {
return 0;
Binary Search
Problem: Search in a Rotated Sorted Array
function myFunction(): number {
return 0;
Prefix Sum
Problem: Maximum Subarray
function myFunction(): number {
return 0;