DSA Primer

Data Structures and Algorithms is an essential subject for software engineers, and there is no shortage of learning materials out there. But it can be overwhelming sifting through it all. This DSA Primer, an expansion on this excellent reddit comment, is meant to be a brief refresher on some of the most frequently tested patterns in technical interviews.

Each common pattern is paired with a single problem for 27 problems in total. Problem sets like the Leetcode 75, Top Interview 150, or Neetcode 150 will offer more comprehensive preparation, but given limited time, I believe your time is best spent thoroughly understanding some of these core tactics and strategies, rather than spreading yourself too thin.

It will in no way replace a proper university course, nor will it suffice to prepare you for a really rigorous interview. But if you’re cramming last-minute, it might just give you enough preparation so that you don’t make a fool of yourself when you’re staring down a blank whiteboard.

Table of Contents

Arrays and Strings

  • Two Pointers: Used for finding pairs or elements that meet specific criteria.
  • Sliding Window: Maintains a subset of elements within a larger dataset.
  • Binary Search: Efficient searching in sorted arrays.
  • Prefix Sum: Precompute cumulative sums for quick range queries.


Hash Tables





Additional Resources

Leetcode is the go-to source of practice problems. If you are new to algorithm practice, Leetcode 75 is the standard recommendation. If you have more time, the Top Interview 150 problem set is more comprehensive.

Neetcode is in many ways the ideal resource for new learners. Rather than throwing you in the deep end, Navi provides a structured curriculum that exposes you to the core concepts before presenting related problems. He only goes as deep as is necessary for practical application.

If and when you have the time to develop a deeper conceptual understanding, Teach Yourself CS offers excellent advice on how to approach it. And Oz Nova’s newer project CS Primer provides a full course including a section on algorithms. The content on problem-solving is especially helpful.